Pix Suitable For Blackmail!
Well, hopefully there won't be any blackmailing going on but here are some pictures of us at a couple of band jobs and in the studio. Just click on any image to see larger versions of all the pictures in that album. I hope you'll enjoy them.
This picture was taken at our first job. We played at the Kent County Association of Realtors® Oyster Dinner at the Felton Fire Hall in April of 2003.
The first group is from a private party we played at Bob's brother's house in Harpers Ferry around the stone fireplace. We had a great time and would like to play more private parties.
The next album is from the first time we went into the studio. The only pictures we took were of us getting set up to record. I was on the camera so the only picture of me is in the group shot which was taken by our engineer, Dave.
The third set was taken when we went back into the studio to finish up some vocals and mix down the songs. Dave engineered the mixing of the CD. By the way, the CD is one we recorded to give to prospective contractors who might be interested in hiring us. We haven't started recording our own music yet. In fact, we still have to write our first song but we are working on a couple. This time Bob's younger son, Nathan, joined us and took a lot of pictures so we were able to get all three of us in several shots. The studio is located in Baltimore and is in an industrial complex, which we thought looked pretty cool. Anyway, we used a couple of the group pictures for our CD label and jewel case, and for a publicity shot that we hand out with our CD.

Album number four is from the American Health & Fitness' 17th Annual Christmas Party. The party was held at The Wharf in a large room opposite the main dining room. Jack, our server, took the pictures of us playing. I should have taken some pictures of the food. It was quite the spread!
The fifth set of pictures are from the Fourth of July (2004) celebration at Colonial Downs near Richmond, Virginia, when we opened for Davy Jones of The Monkees.