Fourth of July Fireworks Spectacular Colonial Downs, Richmond, Virginia July 4th, 2004
On the Fourth of July we were the opening act for Davy Jones, the former Monkee, at Colonial Downs race track near Richmond, Virginia. This was a very big deal for us. You can read all about it on our Schedule page. As far as the pictures go, I was able to take some before we went on and some more after we came off which means there are no pictures of us performing. My wife, Carolyn, was there but she didn't have the camera because I locked it in my truck ... duh! Anyway, you already know what we look like so I've put up the ones of Davy Jones that are presentable. I hope you enjoy them.
The day began at the Double Tree hotel at the airport.
Next stop ... Colonial Downs.
The Green area is where the concert took place. Uh-oh, another tent!
Greg & Bob under the tent in front of the grandstand.
The sound crew set up Davy Jones' band first.
We set up our gear in front of the other band's.
The crowd heads for cover during a race when it started to rain.
When our set was over we hauled our stuff back to the trucks and I got my camera. These pictures were taken during Davy Jones show. Sorry they aren't any better.
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